Pilgrim Pumpkin Turkey Craft

Today my youngest child and I made a Pumpkin Turkey.  She wanted to make a fall craft, and I didn’t want to make a trip to the craft store.  So, we used construction paper and a pumpkin that we already had.


To make a Pumpkin Turkey yourself, trace a hand on several pieces colored (or white if that’s all you have) paper.


Let the child color the paper if they want to (even if it really isn’t necessary).


I’m working with a toddler, but she wanted to help so I let her cut the hands.  We lost a few “feathers”, but that’s okay.


Trim your hands if necessary.


Glue the hands the back of a pumpkin. Then, print, cut out, and glue a head to the front (or draw your own).


I used a faux pumpkin so that it can be enjoyed year after year–and, therefore, I can remember how little our turkey was in years past 🙂
